Use our car import calculators help you to accurately calculate the cost of importing your car from the UK to you.

KRA Car Duty Calculator Kenya

Ireland Car Import Calculator

KRA car duty calculator Kenya

Calculate your car import duty with our prestige car duty calculator for cars imported to Kenya.

Select the car make, model, trim, fuel and age from the boxes below for the current
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) import duty
evaluation. The duty calculator provides the current KRA CRSP value from which it calculates the depreciation to give you the Customs Value. It then gives you the Import Duty, Excise Duty, VAT, IDF Fee, RDL, registration. Summarised as Total Taxes, MV Registration Fee and Duties Payable.

UK to Ireland Car Import Calculator

Get an accurate cost estimate to buy and import a UK car to Ireland. Simply enter the purchase price, the VAT status of the car and place of manufacture.

The calculator will provide costs including your car purchase, transport shipping, insurance, document checks, exchange rates, customs clearance, duty and VAT. Excludes VRT.

Import UK cars with the experts in car import
