Geoff Maxted
By Geoff Maxted

Now that, here in the UK at least, our masked nation is slowly and hesitantly returning to a form of normality, it is becoming clear that we are changing our buying habits. Shopping online has matured and now most people globally are making purchases with confidence via their computers. The same is true when it comes to buying cars. Although in many locations around the world car dealerships are beginning to re-open their doors with new ways to accommodate customers safely, sales of new and used vehicles have confirmed a tide of change for the future of car retailing across the world. In the UK, more than half of those asked acknowledged that they would continue to do the bulk of their car buying online from now on. In Spain, and Germany, for example, that number is slightly lower, yet rising.

Online Car Buying

Here at MHH International, our website is our long-established marketplace for prestige car sales and we are trusted by our clients thanks to our comprehensive and personal service. In short, these days it is safe to buy a car online from a reputable source. Covid-19 of itself does not seem to be a deterrent; confidence in the precautions taken by vendors is seen as safe. This positive attitude is repeated across European markets.

Consumer appetite for online buying has obviously been sharpened by the global pandemic but, in a sense, the emergency has forced many who have previously resisted digital purchasing, to embrace it. Whether this trend will continue is moot, but as car buyers get used to the idea and see that it works, then there is no reason to assume this momentum will not be maintained.

Is This The Future?

What we are seeing is that, alongside an increase in consumer willingness to make transactions digitally, purchases are supported by a wider range of remote services too. An end-to-end digital purchase process, as offered by MHH International, is almost expected now.

The latest statistics show that buyers were satisfied with their online experience and happy with the sheer convenience of it. Thus it seems clear that this new way of buying our cars is here to stay. In the past the forecourt car sales industry has fallen short of offering a truly customer-based experience. Year after year surveys and reports are published that find consumers are describing their car buying experience as anything from ‘confusing’ to ‘stressful’. This situation has never been acceptable; now though, things are changing and changing fast.

Buying online gives control to the customer, tailoring the process to suit customer needs. The internet now is effectively a digital automotive forecourt that potential buyers can navigate from the comfort of their own home; including finance and all at the touch of a button.

The standard of car manufacturing today is better than it has ever been with vehicles built to the tightest of tolerances and to the ecological standards required. At last we can buy premium cars and ship them safely around the world as simply as turning on a computer.

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